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The Only Resolution You Need For 2015

The end of the year gives us all a strong urge to wipe the slate clean and hit the gates running at the start of the New Year. And rightly so! The beauty of a New Year is that it is a blank canvas, rife with endless possibilities to set new goals and go places we’ve never been. That being said, it’s super easy to rack up a giant list of all the things we want to do or be in the coming year.

But, in doing so, we fail to take into account all of the twists and turns that life will inevitably throw at us during the course of the year. Most New Year’s resolutions fail because we start out so enthusiastically and after a few weeks, the reality of life kicks in and we quickly abandon them.

So, if there were to be only one resolution you could make (and keep!) this year, my recommendation to you, dear readers, is this:

Take Care of Yourself.

I am always telling my clients how important self-care is for long-term health. It is easy to put off taking care of yourself but it’s a resolution that will always pay off, especially in the long run.

Seriously. It sounds simple and obvious, but when you resolve that this will finally be the year you take your personal wellness seriously, you?ll see remarkable things to start to happen.

But what does that mean?

The term “taking care of yourself” goes far beyond the annual doctor’s check-up. It means living with intent, striving to be the best possible version of yourself each and every day. No doubt with our busy schedules and endless to-do lists, “taking care of yourself” falls low on the priority totem pole, but remember: it’s impossible to love others without loving yourself first.

So, resolve to ask yourself the following each day in 2015: how did I take care of myself today?

Whether it be daily exercise (which I highly recommend!), taking a few minutes to just be silent, drinking tons of water, or yes, even the occasional massage, developing habits in the name of your own health and wellness will transform “taking care of yourself” into a lifestyle you won’t have to think twice about. Not only will it keep your long term health in check long after 2015 is over, you’ll find yourself becoming a happier, more fulfilled you…which is what New Year’s resolutions are all about, right?

Suzanne Schaper is a Board Certified Massage Therapist serving Lenexa and Overland Park, KS. She loves sharing her knowledge for health and wellness with her customers. "A life free of pain and disease is a more full life." Suzanne enjoys assisting her customers in their pursuit of health and happiness.

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