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Overland Park Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage is relaxing and beneficial.While your therapeutic massage retains an element of relaxation, advanced techniques are used for pain and chronic health issues. This kind of massage includes medium to firm pressure and incorporates deep tissue techniques to focus on trouble areas as requested by the client or located by the therapist.

Therapeutic massage is a great way to treat chronic muscle pain and stiffness, while still providing a relaxing experience.

Your Therapeutic Massage Session

Clients may need this type of massage on a regular basis until symptoms have improved or disappeared. This might include hour sessions twice a week, or a 90 minute massage every week for a while. Your massage session may include more advanced techniques such as deep tissue, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release and may vary from one session to the next.

3 Big Benefits

  1. Pain relief
  2. Reduced muscle tension
  3. Increased flexibility

Scheduling Your Appointment

Suzanne specializes in treating clients with chronic, persistent pain and health issues. Through the powerful healing of her touch, you’ll notice a remarkable improvement in your overall health and well-being. Schedule your appointment today!

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