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Why You Should Consider A Biomeridian Test

What is a Biomeridian Test?
Biomeridian testing (also called Electro-Dermal Testing) measures the electrical resistance in acupuncture points throughout your body to give insight into what inflammatory toxins and chemicals have built up in certain channels or meridians of your body. This inflammation could possibly cause areas of your body to become unbalanced or weakened over time. A biomeridian test, after a more in depth examination, can determine what foods or general stressors could possibly be causing your body discomfort.
How is a Biomeridian Test Performed?
According to biomeridiantesting.com, the examination is performed by testing twenty-eight different points on both hands and feet which relate back to the energy meridians and the related parts of the body. This test uses a very small electrical current that is virtually painless. No needles or shocks are involved during the non-invasive test and it can last up to an hour.
The Biomeridian computer then measures your skin’s resistance to the electrical current and will assess where the inflammation could be coming from. The person performing the test will give you the test results and discuss remedies that could reduce the inflammation. I have discussed inflammation and digestive issues in the past, but I did not give a solution for pinpointing effected areas and effectively measuring toxins.
What are the Benefits of a Biomeridian Test?
- Determine specific allergies or sensitivity to anything you’re putting into your body.
- Body systems like the adrenal, endocrine and digestive system are tested for any inbalances or deficiencies.
- Find dietary deficiencies or body weaknesses.
- Determine whether certain supplements or dietary choices need to be remedied
- Measure toxicity levels and find out how these levels are effecting your health
Why Should You get a Biomeridian Test?
I was skeptical that such a simple test could actually give me any information into why I suffer from chronically low energy levels. There were days when I would wake up fatigued and spend the entire day wondering what I could do to feel energetic again. The test results gave me insights that no doctor had ever suggested and after addressing those concerns, my energy levels have improved.
I am very interested in getting a Biomeridian test. Can you please let me know how I might find someone in my area that offers this. I live in Lancaster, PA. Thank you for any help you may offer.
Hi Linda.
You might try this website to find a local practitioner that offers Biomeridian testing. If that doesn’t work, I would reach out through social media to find someone in your area.
Good luck!
How accurate is Biomeridian testing and is the supplements given safe? I have gone to a practitioner but safety or contraindications were never discussed. Any information would be greatly appreciated
Hi Virginia. I wanted to inform my clients and others about the option of Biomeridian testing because it helped me so much. That being said, I do no administer the test and am not an expert on the testing. Although I am not aware of any contraindications for the testing, it would be good to ask your practitioner. I took the supplement recommendations I was given after my test and researched each one before purchasing any supplements. I hope that helps. Thank you for reaching out!
I have been exposed to high levels of uranium thorium cobalt etc. I lived in St. Louis and was exposed to nuclear toxins due to manhattan project. My family has been suffering for years . My sister had this test done in Kansas City and they found 7 of these chemicals active in her body. I wanted to have this test done as well. Cold water creek affected thousands of people. The uranium used to make the atomic bomb was brought in from belge congo at 70% proof! These chemicals were spilled in a creek was buried in contained in a landfill. We played in this creek picked up the uranium as it flooded our yard.. we breathed it ate it as it is in the rivers and land. Can you help?
I was wondering if bio meridian testing can detect cancer in ones body? I’ve been told by a naturopath that I have cancer after she tested me.
Hi Cindy. I am not an expert in biomeridian testing, so please reach out to an experienced practitioner with your questions. Biomeridian testing can alert you to some abnormalities in your body, but you should see a physician with your concerns. Good luck in your journey!
Hi Suzanne,
Who did you go to for Bioderidian testing? It would be nice to find a person that has helped others to know that they are well versed in doing it.
Thank you.
Hi Celeste.
I went to BRAS – Breast Research Awareness and Support in Overland Park, KS for my Biomeridian testing. I do not know where you are located, but maybe some research online would present you with some local options. Good luck!